Art Exhibition: From Prints to Paintings

Here is your invitation to view a special art display at the main branch (Stuart MacPherson Public Library).
Art Exhibition: From Prints to Paintings features studio artworks from art students at J.A. Williams High School and Portage College. Arts students at Portage College and J. A. Williams High School work with a wide variety of art mediums as they develop art skills on their creative paths to becoming artists and arts and culture professionals. This student art exhibition celebrates these artists and their art instructors, along with showcasing the diverse range of art mediums including drawing, painting, printmaking, mixed media, and sculpture. We hope you enjoy the art exhibition and invite you to explore the many great arts programs in our part of the province at places like J.A Williams High School and Portage College.
This exhibit is on display from May 4th through June 3rd with a closing event on Thursday, June 1st from 6-8 pm at our main branch, the Stuart MacPherson Public Library.