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Jump Rope For Heart

Our school is participating in the Jump Rope for Heart Fundraiser! Let's support a worthy cause, the Heart and Stroke Foundation, while we encourage our own heart health. 

On top of supporting a great cause, if we raise $1000, Mrs. Grygus will wear a clown wig for a day, and all Kindergarten through grade 6 classes will get a double recess! Moreover, the top 2 fundraisers will get a Hockey set with a net and 2 sticks each! The class that fundraises the most money will get a skipping rope for each student! The top 10 fundraisers (excluding the students who win the hockey sets) will get a water bottle each! 

Students can also earn individual prizes - an online gift card from Toys ”R” Us, Indigo, Amazon, or Walmart, based on the fundraising levels as follow: a $5 gift card for raising $25, a $15 gift card for raising $75, a $25 gift card for raising $250, a $50 gift card for raising $500, and a $200 gift card for raising $1000.

To donate, simply go to, click on “donate”, then type the name of our school and donate as much money as you wish! Please share this link with family and friends. 

The kids are encouraged to fundraise until February 10th, the date of our Jump rope event.

Thank you very much for your support!


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