May Flower Returns to EPS!

Back by popular demand...MAY FLOWER!!!
This week Hawks from PreSchool to Grade 12 will be taking part in May Flower activities at lunch and take part in dress-up days. Here is a schedule for you to keep track of everything this week...
PreK to 6
- There will be colouring contests each day this week with a prize given daily to each class.
- TUESDAY: Crazy Hair Day
- WEDNESDAY: Neon Color Day and a Lunchtime Scavenger Hunt in Ms. B's room.
- THURSDAY: Color By Grade Day - The class with the greatest participation will win a PIZZA PARTY.
Pre Kindergarten= red
Kindergarten= light green
Grade 1= dark blue
Grade 2= brown/ beige
Grade 3= yellow
Grade 4= orange
Grade 5= light purple
Grade 6= pink
- FRIDAY: Dress as your favourite Celebrity Day!
Grade 7 to 12 Students will find their colours and lunchtime activities posted in the front foyer at school. Please make sure you fill out the Google Form for your nominations for King and Queen; then remember to vote all week to make sure they win. Tomorrow is crazy hair day - participation is important for your grade to win a PIZZA PARTY.